Your FREE TRIAL ended yesterday. You know, your free trial to see if this New Year's Resolution, or way of life, is right for you. Now comes the part that gets uncomfortable. You are no longer at the beginning stages of trying out a new lifestyle, diet, or going to the gym. You have had a 30-day free trial (with a 1 day bonus) to help you kick-start your “21 days of NEW habit” forming experience, to see if you want to continue with this way of life.

I stated, in the blog “3 Parts To Every Journey,” that the middle part of my journey was and is the most critical and hardest part. I’ve stated that the reason why is because the middle part of the journey is where many people want to give up and do give up. In the past, I had those thoughts a time or two (and more) because I did not have the same zeal, drive, passion, nor determination I started with. I saw plenty of setbacks, plateaus, lack of motivation, and above all I was starting to lose my heart’s drive to succeed. The words Bill Hybels spoke at the Global Leadership Summit in 2012 hit me hard, as I was reflecting on my weight loss journey. He said, “people tend to lose heart halfway through because they don’t see the results, or the end seems too far to get to, and the beginning is also no longer in sight.” He is right! I am living proof!

The Middle Part Can Sucketh

The end was too far to see the finish line and I didn’t want to go back to the beginning. I had to realize what’s important and why I was doing this. I had a real heart-to-heart with myself and you may need to have one with yourself. I stood, and still stand, in front of the bathroom mirror just about everyday and ask myself why. Maybe today, you too, are asking why. It’s tough being in the middle of the journey, but it’s super worth it, if you don’t give up. Scripture reminds us in Galatians 6:9

“... don’t grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

My Thot: is one of encouragement. The middle of the journey is hard, but don’t give up. Keep going regardless of whether or not you see the results. Eventually, they will come if you are doing what you are suppose to. Will it be hard? Yes, but don’t let internal or external pressure and situations stop you from fulfilling the goal and NEW LIFE you have chosen. Get an accountability partner, a support network, friends, family, or anybody who will push you and keep you focused on the big picture. You/Me/Us we got this! Be blessed.Comment below and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
