Back in February I got ill and was sick. I didn’t know it at the that the pain was feeling in my body and back was not muscle strain or muscle but the beginning stages of Pneumonia I thought I was totally healed up because my strength and energy levels was normal but then about 4 1/2 weeks ago, I was relearning how to deadlift and squat. I ended up hurting my back and causing my old sciatic nerve issue to rise again. It had been years since I had any lower back or sciatic nerve pain. But I found out all pain and weakness was because I actually have had Pneumonia all this time

Time Off To Recovery

It’s with heavy heart the I stop writing for at least a week perhaps two to heal fully before attempting mentally write blog updates

My Thot: say a prayer for this blogger, husband, father, friend, fitness influencer, Christ Follower, and Minister. Comment Below and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the Kings Brew @ the Soul Cafe
