A few weeks ago, I was relearning how to deadlift and squat. I ended up hurting my back and causing my old sciatic nerve issue to rise again. It had been years since I had any lower back or sciatic nerve pain and, as for squats and deadlifts, it had been since I was a teenager (and a lot lighter in weight) that I had done anything looking remotely like traditional squats or deadlifts. As my life changed and I got older, I gained an enormous amount of weight which caused me to lose a lot of mobility and flexibility. I hated it because my size hindered everything I did. 

Life In Transition

During those years, the simple things in life that most people take for granted like walking, running, bending over, shopping, cooking; heck, even making love became difficult and a big undertaking. I was always out of energy, weak, and not living but surviving. I no longer wanted to live like that and after my heartbreak in 2011 (losing everything I once cared about) I surrendered to God (January 2012) and allowed Him to bring about change, transformation, and restoration in me. I have been through a lot and have dealt with all types of issues and problems that I didn’t know I had. God changed the way I see myself and I had life purpose again. I wanted to not only see my life changed but to see others changed and transformed as well. Thus, began my journey to life and health and losing 255 lbs naturally. I used no fad or gimmick diets. Only eating right, living right, working out hard, and serving God. Nothing more, nothing less.

Basic Tips

Some of these tips are no brainers; they're common sense, but you would not believe the amount of times we tend to forget the basics. I know I’ve been guilty of it. I am in no way an excerpt or have a medical degree; however, I have experience and not just head knowledge. I have first hand account experience which trumps any head knowledge that is only learned in a textbook. I don’t have theories. I have “in the trench, crucible of life, knowledge and experience” to offer you.
  • See your doctor as necessary.
  • Ice: ice pack, frozen veggies in a ziplock bag. Remember ice helps to reduce the swelling.
  • Heat: heating pad, Blue-goo medicated soreness cream, etc. Heat loosens up the muscle to reduce recovery time.
  • Medicine (over the counter or prescription)
  • Rest (bed rest). Make sure your bed is not the issue. Replace mattress pad if you have a dip in your mattress or sleep is uncomfortable. I know for myself, I didn’t have the money for a NEW bed. I bought a 3” memory foam topper and placed a cut ½” piece of plywood under the mattress to add the stiffness that was needed.
  • Stretch (hamstrings). People don’t stretch their hamstrings enough. The hamstrings are tied into your glute and spinal erectors. The posterieure chain is connected.
  • Light workout (ex: If your quads are sore for days, try a light weight leg-extension machine to push new blood, nutrients, and oxygen into the muscle. Sometimes this will lose up the muscle and help it recover faster.
My Thot: Don’t let “PRIDE” tell you that you must be hard core, always in the gym, when you're hurt. Truly being hard core is knowing when to rest and recover your body, while your transforming your life. Comment below and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
