Seven years ago I wrote on my Facebook wall that “I can feel the change in my body. I know that energy is coming I can feel it and am starting to see a difference, but now I am so sleepy from the pool water.” I remember almost daily coming home from the pool and falling asleep on the couch within 1-2 hours. I would be super tired from my pool workouts. I use to say it was the chlorine, and it could have been, but I think it was because of all the energy and calories I was burning in the water. I couldn’t feel the sweating like I do during weight training or when doing traditional cardio on land but, nevertheless, I was sweating in the pool.

Now, here I am, 7 years have passed and my life has drastically changed. I have lost 255 lbs, remarried, have new family and friends, and I have moved to Oklahoma - I live in the middle of the USA even though I was so use to being an East Coast boy! Again, life has drastically changed but, thankfully, for the better. Although, I still find myself getting sleepy after a good workout, either in the pool or lifting weights.

Rest And Recovery

One of the biggest changes in my weight loss and body transformation came about by adding naps during the day and making sure I was getting at least 7-8 hrs of quality sleep per night. Now, some people only get 5 or 6 hours a night and I understand that. I just know for me, more was better than less. I also know that for me praying and stretching before these times have been very helpful. I don’t want anything interfering with my rest. There are even nights I take 10mg of Melatonin before going to bed. Melatonin helps my brain shut down and not keep thinking of things I need to get done or about the stressful things of the day.

My Thot: All of us could use quality sleep. It’s up to you to make it a priority and figure out how you can get those hours in for your rest and recovery time. I challenge you over the next 2 weeks to work on your sleep and see how the results help you. If you give it an honest try, I can promise you-you'll be better off for it! Comment below and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
