I woke up this morning singing “Riding With The King” from the Eric Clapton and the late B.B King EP with the same title. As I had my travel mug of coffee and was riding to the gym, I played this track on my cell. I got chills because I know, as Christ Followers, the world and everything in it is constantly trying to grab at us and take up this precious short time we have been given to make a difference. As a Christ Follower, I understand time is short. I remember growing up and hearing some false prophets as well as many 80’s preachers spreading a message of “the end is near.”

Edgar C. Whisenant, was a former NASA engineer and Bible student who predicted the Rapture would occur sometime in 1988, between Sept. 11th and Sept. 13th. He published two books about this: 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988 and On Borrowed Time. Eventually, 300,000 copies of 88 Reasons were mailed free of charge to ministers across America, and 4.5 million copies were sold in bookstores and elsewhere. Whisenant was quoted as saying "Only if the Bible is in error am I wrong; and I say that to every preacher in town, and if I were a king in this country and I could gamble with my life, I would stake my life on 1988."
(Excerpt from Wikipedia.)

The preachers of old would shout out the message that “Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart today,” “where would you be if you were to die tonight,” or seeing some violent B-Rated cheesy movie that would scare people into salvation. Everyone wanted the fire insurance (NO, you cannot be saved or save by switching to Jesus in 15 minutes or less).

The truth is that Jesus is coming (even though we don't know when) and we as Christ followers must be prepared and ready to ride with the King of Glory. Look at the passage below and see what scripture tells us in Rev 19: 11-16

I looked and saw that heaven was open, and a white horse was there. Its rider was called Faithful and True, and he is always fair when he judges or goes to war. He had eyes like flames of fire, and he was wearing a lot of crowns. His name was written on him, but he was the only one who knew what the name meant. The rider wore a robe that was covered with blood, and he was known as "The Word of God." He was followed by armies from heaven that rode on horses and were dressed in pure white linen. From his mouth, a sharp sword went out to attack the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod and will show the fierce anger of God All-Powerful by trampling the grapes in the pit where wine is made. On the part of the robe that covered his thigh was written, 

My Thot: Jesus really is coming back for us a people, a church that is His own, His bride. The Bible says that no one will know the day or the hour, so the exact time cannot be predicted, but we do know it's near. Will you be ready for that day? It’s great to think of heaven, but have you really thought about it? We have a great work to do here on earth, but once in Heaven we still are not done. There is still work to be done for us, His followers. We are not going to be sitting on clouds eating Philadelphia cream cheese on bagels. Just think about it! Comment below and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox. Enjoy this YouTube video of Eric Clapton and B. B. King performing “Riding With The King.”

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Café.
