I had an emotional drive coming home from the gym one day 'cause I was listening to Eric Clapton’s “Tears in Heaven” in my car. In 1986, I lost my dad - he passed away due to health complications. After his death, I read Psalm 68:5 which says, “God becomes the father to the fatherless…” and now this holds a special meaning for me. God put other men in my life, such as pastors, uncles, a friend’s dad, and many church members, and used them as encouragers and role models in my life. All these different types of men helped me become the man I am today.

Since I’ve remarried, I have gained 3 sons through my amazing marriage to Sarah. Sometimes, when I look at my youngest (11 years old) who I call son, I get emotional and have to look away because he reminds me so much of ME and how I was growing up. He may not be my flesh and blood, but he is my wife’s youngest child and still is my boy. I admit there are a lot of rough days raising an almost “pre-teen.” Yet, there are a lot of great days with him, too. It just feels sometimes like it's all bad days, but it’s actually not. Many times I look at him and think, “What would my dad, Jerry D. Hylton, say or what advice would he give me?”

My Thot: is if your dad is alive and if your relationship is not that great with him try to make amends or try to connect, if there is a separation. If your relationship is great with your dad, then rejoice and call him up, take him to lunch, and pay for him. Let him know how much you love him. Friends, you won’t have your dad forever, so make sure you spend time with him. Learn what you can, even if you think you know it all. Which by the way, trust me, you don’t.

I have attached a music clip called “MY FATHER’S EYES” by Eric Clapton. As I heard this song, I thought about my dad and his passing away in 1986. This song encouraged me to embrace my NEW sons. I may have only had my natural father for 11 years of my life but I’ve learned so much about being a good husband, father, and friend since then, thanks to God's provision. Do I miss my dad? YOU BET I DO! But since my dad’s memories are kept alive in me, my hope and prayer are that my sons can and will see my fathers life and my life through my eyes. Comment below and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Café.
