“Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time’ is like saying 'I don't want to'.” - Ody
“I don’t have time.” It's the oldest, most used excuse and will continue to be used by the masses. If something is truly important to you/me/we, we're gonna find a way to accomplish it. If it’s a job that requires us to travel away from our home, as my caricature business does, it can be a struggle. I have to allow enough time for setbacks like traffic jams, car problems, etc. When it comes to eating right, working out, and normal everyday life, it can also be a struggle. I have found that if there is a will, there is a way. Travel times may get tight, sleep may not always be ideal, and heck, even prepping my food or thinking about my menu and grocery list in advance is a struggle - but the key is to be intentional.

INTENTIONAL is defined as “done on purpose, or to be deliberate.” I have to make a deliberate commitment to execute, or follow through, on my goals and plans. It's not an easy thing to be intentional, but it is a behavior that can be learned over time. I, myself, have used every excuse in the book about not having time to cook, workout, plan, and do things that need to be done. In Bible college other students, as well as myself, would say that not being intentional is “procrastination” and procrastination is SIN. In reality, it's not sin as long as the job gets done; but, it does boil down to laziness (which Proverbs does warn us about) and not wanting to be stretched into doing something out of life's comfort zone.

I Am Living Proof

I can tell you that nothing gets done, grows, or completed in our comfort zones. There is a stretching that must take place in our bodies, our hearts, and our minds before we tend to get this habit of being intentional down. It takes work!! It’s like a rubber band being stretched to the point of breaking, yet it doesn’t. Sure, it hurts bad while going through it but Man-O-Man it feels amazing after you’ve been stretched to a new level. With this new level comes new challenges and new responsibilities that you can handle like PRO.

My Thot: Don’t you dare use the excuse that you don’t have time anymore. We have all been given 24 hrs a day to get things accomplished. The key is to learn how to be intentional, and realize that you won’t be perfect at this. Heck, I have been working on this for 6+ years and I am still not at 100% yet. It’s better NOW than it use to be. My challenge to you is to examine your life and write down areas you have not been intentional in or have made excuses. Once you identify them you are halfway to making a change for the better. Comment below and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
