Have you ever woke up on what some would call the wrong side of the bed where you were battling the blankets or the blahs? I know I have. There have been multiple times that I did not want to get out of bed and go to work, the gym, heck - even church. I have had to force myself to go. I use to say, “I will just fake-it until I make-it” but this is a very hollow and fake saying. I realized I was not being real, genuine, or true to myself or others.

Let's face it, we go through seasons, times of change, and the blahs. Understand, we cannot live on “cloud nine” all the time; it's wishful thinking to think that we can live on cloud nine experiences. YES! they are awesome and are very rewarding, but it is not reality to live there. The best we can do is maintain a disciplined life and understand we are going to have those great times of cloud nine experiences, but YES we will also have the valley, the dry, and the blah seasons, too.

King Saul was vexed (bothered) by a spirit, and it was brought to his attention that to get out of his funk and blah state he needed a musician, some worship music to lift his thinking and make life well again. Check out the verse: 1 Samuel 16:16 

“Let us find a good musician to play the harp whenever the tormenting spirit troubles you. He will play soothing music, and you will soon be well again.”

My Thot: Whenever you’re feeling down, oppressed, negative or blah - just worship. Put on some good music because music is soul therapy for the body. If you don’t believe me, try it and see how your attitude and feelings change. Groan out the blues, the blahs, with a truthful, sincere, genuine heart and God will refill you. Enjoy this clip of Eric Clapton GROANING THE BLUES. Feel the passion, the emotion in the guitar solo… Enjoy!!!

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Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Café.
