I hear the train a comin’...” I'm grinning as I type this because I like the sound of trains moving along the tracks. It’s true I did not hear the train(s) much when I lived in Maryland. That’s because I lived 3 miles away from BWI airport. Airplanes were the common noise I heard. But since moving here to Oklahoma, I tend to see and hear the train(s) on almost a daily basis. I enjoy all types of trains, from bullet trains (which do 320 km/h, or 200 mph), or a freight hauler, to an old iron beast steam train like you would see in a Western movie or TV show like AMC’s “Hell On Wheels.”

Trains are the backbone America was built on. A train serves as a great illustration of moving forward because trains are not designed to steer off course, but move on the designated rails.  If a train departs the path that is laid before it there are disastrous consequences.  It’s not hard for a person to look at life as a track that one does travel on.  It doesn't matter what your age, ethnicity, religion either because we all have a track called life that we live on.  

The track may become boring to you if all you are doing is staring at the ground as life goes by. If you are missing the sights and the scenery that is moving and happening all around you, life will seem dull. The old adage we have been taught from youth tells us to keep our noses to the grindstone and never rest or take a break. Yet, we also have sayings like “stop and smell the roses.” I would encourage you to re-evaluate your life and take time to develop balance, and if you look back it should be to see how far you have come. 

My Experience

When I was determined to live my life my way and not listen to family, friends, or the doctor(s) about being overweight and when I ignored their warnings that I was killing myself, I was veering off the track of life and it cost me everything I held near and dear to my heart. I am not blaming my ex for anything. I understand it takes two to tango and there is always 3 sides to every story: her's, mine, and God’s. His version is the only one that matters. Sure, we both were to blame and I have no problem admitting and owning up to my issues and mistakes. I know I was a jerk and was snippy. I know the communication was breaking down between us. Funny, this coming from a guy who makes his living communicating with people

I was unhealthy, I was in pain physically, spiritually, and mentally. I was in burnout mode. My life seemed over and I was veering off the tracks quickly.  Honestly, I shouldn’t be alive. I should have died because I was a broken, mangled mess of a man. BUT, GOD!! That’s right, even though I veered off the tracks and destroyed my life, family, friends, people I cared about, God rescued me from this destruction.  He restored me to “NEW” and now there is nothing of my old waste of a life. I have a new vision, mission, dream, and goal to accomplish. By God, I will fulfill what He has shown me.  I will stay on the track “moving forward” into what He has for me and my family to do together.

Freedom While Moving Forward

Trains have freedom as long as they keep moving forward and don’t veer off the track. If a train does veer off track it derails and destroys not only the train and the track, but also lives and property. In other words, a train works best if it is moving forward along the track. 

My Thot: is to encourage you/me/us to stay on the track of life and keep moving forward. My challenge to you is to “KEEP MOVING FORWARD” in what you are called to do. If you don’t know what you are called to do, pray and God will show you. I know, I am living proof. Comment below, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox.

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