One evening I had a hickory smoked turkey breast in the oven, heating through for dinner with mashed potatoes and sides. Yummy! Okay, I know this is not a normal coffee conversation but I am drinking coffee while I write this post.

My wife loves hickory smoked turkey, with all the trimmings. This is a treat for her and she could eat it multiple times a year, not just at Thanksgiving or Christmas. Recently, I was reflecting on how it only takes an hour on 325° to heat through a turkey breast, and then presto -  a “Hot Smoked, Mouthwatering, make-your-tongue-slap-your-brain Turkey” is ready. I know, I know…where is the love and the long preparation time for this meal?  Hey, it’s still a special dinner, it just cooks fast and my wife and I can enjoy it any time of the year.  

The point in telling you all this is that people in the gym, weight loss groups, the fitness industry; heck, even many a Christian in churches tend to want everything in health knowledge or in God’s word just handed to them - and taking shortcuts in faith or fitness is completely different than a quick meal.  Too many times, people don’t want to take the time to prep it, dig it out, or research it.  I am reminded of Paul’s words in Acts 17:11 (NLT)

“And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth.”

Often, I see many “take-teachings” on podcasts, YouTube, and other media. These fitness gurus and ministers present information and people often take it at face value without spending quality time, putting in the work to research, read, evaluate, fail, or try things that are taught.  I find this true and observe it on all fronts where I am involved. So many people are not in the Word anymore, and I think we are being deceived. Shoot, as Sister Duncan use to say, “People are stuck on stupid.” People are robbing themselves, especially this generation and culture, from the true golden nuggets that scripture has for us. Paul called them the “hidden mysteries.”

My Thot: Don’t just take the fitness or spiritual knowledge that is offered to you from different sources at face value alone. Instead, look into and study the scriptures, pray, seek God, and use the Word as your filter, your grid work, to sift through what is being mined. Then you will have a wonderful delicacy, a smorgasbord waiting to be chomped into. Now that’s something to fit in your macros. Comment below and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox. 

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew or in this case a Smoked Turkey Breast Sandwich @ the Soul Café.
