Ken Andrews (Season 11 Biggest Loser Contestant and Co. Founder of Fit.Church) fitness coach, friend, and fellow minister once said to me that “my outside is catching up with my insides.” To this day, his words ring loudly in my ears. Becoming whole is more than just external. It's internal as well. His statement rang true to me that day and is fact.  It has been a process for me. I have lost many battles, but won a lot too. I have won more than I’ve ever lost. 

Scripture says to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength (Mark 12:30). Notice three are internal while one is external. In other words, the first three come together and are made manifest through our physical strength. Our physical body is the outward expression of the internal working in harmony and it worships God fully in every area. Wholeness!!

My Thot: We are made to be full manifestations of God’s amazing grace. Every area of our lives are to be touched by God as we submit to changing and transforming ourselves from the inside-out! Comment below and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE  to receive blog updates in your inbox.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King’s Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
