Modified Image (Jeanne Masar)
When I was a kid growing up, my parents did not always have extra money to buy me the latest and greatest toys or models. I remember asking for the STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise AMT model kit, but it was around $36.00 NEW. I remember trying to save any money I got for allowance to buy this model, but more than often I would spend the money before I could ever obtain it. My mom said money liked to burn holes in my pockets. Back then that was so true and is why I became so creative and artistic, designing things and developing a passion to draw. I mean, I am very creative and innovative. 

Early Experience

More than once during my childhood, I took 2 paper cups, 3 toilet paper roll tubes, 2 paper towel roll tubes, and 2 paper plates and built the STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise starship out of them. Then I would use silver or gray spray paint, along with model paint and markers, to decorate my creative and inexpensive homemade model kit. Finally, I would attach clear fishing line in 3 places and hang my model(s) from the ceiling of my bedroom. I was always making stuff for my room. As I reflect on the creativity and innovation that God has given me, I am reminded of Amos 4:13 and Ephesians 2:10

“Look who's here: Mountain-Shaper! Wind-Maker! He laid out the whole plot before Adam. He brings everything out of nothing, like dawn out of darkness. He strides across the alpine ridges. His name is God…” Amos 4:13

“God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing." Eph 2:10

Later Experience

In the gym, there are many free weight exercises and a few machines I cannot use, due to some physical limitations caused by hanging excess skin. Until the excess skin is removed, I have to use my creativity and innovation to modify or redesign exercises that will target my muscles to build and strengthen them.

Example: I cannot do free weight barbell squats yet. My lower back has hurt the many times I've attempted it. My excess lower skin pulls me down and wreaks havoc on my lower back. Hence, I work hard on my back posterior chain. I have recently modified doing squats with a 9 lb versabar in the pool on the steps. I start at the pool bottom, then work my way up the steps, doing 12-15 reps each set, until I reach the 4th step. As I progress, I have to rest 1-2 minutes per set. I know that as I continue, it won't be long before I am to doing weighted barbell squats again like I was doing in my youth. 

My Thot: is God has made all of us with a measure of creativity and innovation and all of us have what I like to call a “BIG Kid's Imagination.” Since God is a creator and has made all of us with a measure of creativity, we must never short change what God has put into us. He will use what's inside of you if you will yield it to Him. Comment below and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox. 

Until next time get your FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
