Perhaps you made your NEW YEAR’S Resolution or pledge with a post on social media declaring that you are going to change your life or lose weight, but you must always be aware or conscious that “People Are Watching You.” This is a true statement. Now that over a month has passed, are you still committed? Are you still faithful to doing what other people won’t?  It doesn’t matter where you go or what you are doing because people are watching. People are viewing you like a hawk stalks its prey. People don’t have to say anything verbally to you, but you need to know they are watching your every move and listening to your words. Why? 

Fail or Succeed

People want to know if what you have professed or decided to do will actually happen.  Scripture states in Psalm 14:24

“In all labor there is profit, But mere talk 
leads only to poverty.”

In other words talk is cheap.  It’s a typical thing where on one hand you have naysayers and haters and on the other hand supporters and people who love and encourage you. Everyone's watching to see if you will fail or succeed. Trust me I know, I am living proof. People watched and still watch after all these years to see if I am truly going to be successful or if I am going to fail.

How Did You Do It
Honestly, so many people are skeptical and only want to see the results. If you’re successful, people want to know the short cut, the secret, or the magic pill. There is no magic pill. It’s eating right, living right, working out hard, and serving God. That’s it - “NOTHING MORE. NOTHING LESS.” I do the easy parts of eating, living, working out, and serving God faithfully. He does the hard parts. The parts I cannot do. He takes care of the issues and circumstances of my heart, mind, excess skin, finances etc...

My Thot: Let people look. Let people ask you questions. A majority of people don't want to know your whole story; they just want the magic pill, or shortcut to help them in their lives. Others want to know and will listen up to a certain point and then move on. Then there are a select few that truly, truly want to know and are invested in your life story and are interested in the process you have been and are going through. These few are like sponges and will soak up all they receive and ring it out in their own lives to see transformation and change for themselves. In turn, they are going to be a true blessing to all who are watching them and the cycle will continue. Comment below and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive blog update in your inbox.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
