Ever just completely get so aggravated at not hitting a goal losing the weight, losing fat, building the amount of muscle you want, or not seeing the breakthrough that you have been believing for? After all the fighting, standing in faith, believing God's promises, working out hard, and eating right are you just not seeing things happen?

Hey, I am talking to you! Yes, YOU!! I’ve been there too. I get frustrated, aggravated, and down right angry that I am not seeing things happen my way and in my timing. Then, I realize that this journey is not about a quick fix or God just waving His hand, and “poof”, fixing everything and making it normal. No, it doesn't work that way. This is a journey - a marathon, not a sprint.

How I Deal With It

When I get frustrated or annoyed I sit down and have to refocus and examine my methods for obtaining my goals. I look at my food log to see if I need to tighten up the calories or macros. Am I eating too much of something that’s causing me to blow my food intake goal? Then I look at my exercise and fitness levels, wondering if I need to make changes to my workout routines in the gym or if I need to swim more for cardio. I go into full evaluation mode for a day or two and think, pray about every aspect of my life. I ask myself the hard questions. Have I done everything? Can I be doing more? Have I overlooked something? I need to know if all the basics are truly covered such as having a good nutrition plan, enough exercise, plenty of water consumption, and rest. Again, I NEED TO KNOW!

Evaluate Everything

I hear the saying “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.” I get sick and tired of not hitting goals on my time table. Then I need a wake up call that if I am doing all that I know to do then I just need to be patient. Scripture promises me that God has given me a hope and future (Jer 29:11). The Bible also says He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it (Phil 1:6).

My Thot: after evaluating everything and remembering the promises God gave me and all his children, that He would never leave us nor forsake us, I’m inspired me to keep moving forward and to keep doing what I am suppose to do. I will see the results if I don’t give in or give up. My encouragement to you today is to focus on your goals and keep moving forward. Don’t lose heart! Comment below and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
