I have always liked the TV series, Star Trek. I was hooked at a young age. Now, it doesn’t matter which series I watch. Whether it is reruns of the original Star Trek series, Next Generation, Voyager, Enterprise, or (as of late) Deep Space Nine on #Netflix, I am strongly interested in Science Fiction.

The reason for this blog is to encourage you/me/we to be bold in our life and health journeys. While having morning coffee, I was reminded of the story found in the book of Joshua chapter 1. Moses had just died and Joshua was now appointed as the leader of the children of Israel. Joshua was nervous because he had some big shoes to fill. What if he failed? What if he couldn’t hear God like his predecessor? He was anxious and nervous. I would say he was downright fearful. Yet, Joshua was encouraged two times to be strong or “bold” and courageous, by God, and to not allow the faces of the people bother him. 1:4, 1:9

“Yes, be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! 
For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 
Joshua 1:9

We are encouraged today to be bold or, should I say, GO Boldly in all matters. Whether it is spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, financial, or relational, we are to have confidence and be bold in our journeys to life and health, knowing that God has our backs and cares greatly for us. He will not abandon us. His promise is to always be with us through this life. That doesn’t mean we won’t have trouble. It means He will be with us through whatever we face. I know I am living proof of Him never leaving me or abandoning me. This is why I can Go Boldly into the unknown, because He knows my future. He will always look out for me and guide me as long as I stay focused on Him and not the problems.

My Thot: is a very simple one. Trust in the process and Go Boldly into your future, knowing that God has your best interest at heart. He wants you to succeed more than you want to. He wants to give you strength, boldness, and the courage to face life’s challenges in all areas of your life. Open yourself up to His guidance. He will not leave you. He will be with you in this life. Again, I can’t state it enough - I AM LIVING PROOF. Comment below, and SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
