THOUGHTS FROM THE POOL: Everyone Has Been Broken

We are all fractured, broken people. Every one of us has been born with a fracture of brokenness, courtesy of the fall of Adam (Gen 3.) All of us have been fractured and broken by people, situations, and life problems as well. We could have been hurt by a parent, spouse, friend, teacher...heck, even a church member could have hurt us; but, the point I am trying to make is simple: we all have hurts, habits, hang ups, disappointments, and issues. If you didn't already know that, let me be the first person to say, “Welcome to a place of fallen humanity called Life!”

My Background

I came from a Godly home, was raised by amazing parents, and my family had morals and values; but at age 11, I lost my dad. He passed away and it hurt me very deeply. I loved my father; he was my best friend. I was his buddy. He was a Godly man who taught me how to love and see people with Christ's heart. Also, he showed me how a man should treat a woman and love his family. I was always a chunky kid, but after his death I really started packing on the weight. I became an emotional eater. Food was my source of coping. I became a food-a-holic.
All through my youth and into my adulthood, I tried to lose weight and get set free from the emotional bondage I was in. It took me until the age of 37 when I lost my spouse, family members, friends, my job, my church, and my health before I truly surrendered to God and asked for His help. One day, I had a power encounter that hit me like a Mack truck! One day, while I read the Bible, John 5:6 stuck out to me.

“When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?”

I screamed “YES!” as I read this verse. “I want to be made well!” And not only did I want to be made well, but I wanted to Live and then help others Live! On January 5, 2012 I had this life changing experience. I took what is known as the “J.C.” (Jesus Christ) plunge and I have been forever healed and changed.

All Are Broken, Only Few Seek Help

Let’s face it, as I've said, all people at one time or another have been broken by hurts, hang ups, or habits. Some bad habits may not be considered huge and others are. Bad habits can range from things like addiction to food, drugs, alcohol, smoking, pornography, sex, or gambling to things like anger, revenge, lying, media abuse, marital issues, power, fame, greed, or over shopping, etc. Really, it doesn’t matter what it is. You could fill in the blank ___________________ with anything. The point is: don’t wait until you are about to lose, or as in my case already lost, those who are nearest and dearest to you before you are willing to change. If I can be an example, so be it.

My Thot: I am living proof that Jesus can take someone who was once broken, and radically transform, change, and restore them to the state of no longer being broken. My greatest desire is for you, the reader, to never have to get to the place I did before you make the decision to allow God to restore what is broken. I am not perfect by any means, but I am not broken and I am no longer in bondage to the former addiction to food or to the obesity and selfishness I lived in which lead to a torn relationship. Always remember, you’re not ALONE in this Journey. Comment below, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for blog updates in your inbox.

Until next time, grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
