Did you know that obese people are the #1 group of people who are persecuted; they are persecuted more than people of different races. It is true! Seriously think about it, it is more than African Americans, Hispanics, and people from the Middle East. Sure, we know about the race war or the racism that daunts this country and others, but really dig deep and you will see the obese, or anyone who’s different from the standard status quo for that matter, is prejudged by the culture of humanity. Case in point, the YouTube video link I have posted here shows a young male teenager who is super obese, shy, and has very low self-esteem. Yet, he is super talented and has the most awesome, gifted voice for singing opera. He becomes more confident when he sings with his friend who is a female and she is right by his side in this endeavor of singing.

As I drink my coffee and reflect on this video, two things jump out at me and grip my heart. First, God has gifted this young man with an incredible gift/talent with his voice. It brings shock and awe to all the “status quo” listeners who thinks this obese, long greasy haired grunge guy has nothing to offer them until they hear his voice. Secondly, his female friend sticks by him no matter what and vise-versa. Friends, scripture tells us that Jesus sticks with us no matter what, closer than a natural brother, and better than that of a friend.

My Thot: today is stop looking at people on the outside only and judging them by their appearance. Take the time, I mean some real time and get to know the heart of a person. When you meet someone treat them with respect. Remember the old golden rule, “Do for others the things that you would want to be done to you. Comment below and SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox. 

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Café.
