Don’t tell anybody! It’s not a fad diet, nor a miracle pill, powder, or potion. It’s not a spa treatment or medical procedure. It’s not even on most people’s top 5 list to become healthy and lose weight. What is it you ask?? What’s the secret I am talking about? So simple, yet people seem to ignore the basic truth that I am about to share with you.


There is no secret, no formula, fad diet, pills or powders. It all comes down to the simple basic truth of eating right, living right, working out hard, and serving God. That’s it. That’s my secret, yet millions of people are spending billions of dollars a year in fad diets and gimmicks, all in the name of losing weight and becoming healthy fast.

Many times on this journey, I have had someone try to give me advice on how to lose weight when they have never been successful or maintained their own weight loss. As a matter of fact, all they do is complain about not losing any more weight, and out of personal frustration they gain it all back because of not being consistent and patient with the process of the journey. These same people only want advice from a TV show personality trainer, a DVD personal trainer, or one who has an official certification in it. They are close-minded when it comes to the real people who are in the gym doing the work, changing their lives and losing the excess fat, and making great strides to achieve all their goals. The frustrated people make excuses on why they can’t lose weight or change their life around, get caught up in every blogged or Internet marketed TV show, Facebook, IG promoted fad diet, or DVD program that promises results in minutes a day. They are being taken by these companies and their slick cheap junk supplements that are full of useless ingredients - not good enough to make any significant difference. Many of these so-called miracle diets and gimmicks may have a small amount of results, but they were never meant to be a lifestyle or maintained for more than a few weeks.


Losing BIG amounts of weight is not complicated. It doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg. You don’t have to buy every DVD or new product that claims you’ll see miraculous results. True weight loss comes from living a surrendered life to God, having a real meal plan, working out hard, and being consistent in all you do. It’s about not giving up when the stresses and circumstances of this life seem to weigh you down. You are not alone in this journey. Any person who has been successful and continues daily to change their life is more than likely willing to help you. Remember, it’s a marathon not a sprint!

My Thot: research, look at every aspect of the nutrition plan. Read, study, do the work and find out for yourself what will work for your body because the personal plan that I am on may not work for you. The amount of swimming and lifting weights I do per week may not fit your lifestyle or schedule. Don’t be overwhelmed. There's a lot of information out there. Unless you look into, read, and know the source, you could easily be swept away with the crowds - buying junk and snake oil from Shysters.

I pray you are not deceived and God will open your eyes as you look into your nutrition and exercise plans. As always, SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
