Waking up from a night's sleep, I walk into the kitchen and turn my Keurig on. I grab my coffee mug and realize I need something that’s full of protein but will also really wake me up this morning. I brew an 8 oz. cup of coffee and then go over to the Nutribullet and pour the coffee into the mixing cup, while adding a scoop of protein powder. I close the lid and blend it for 7-10 seconds. Once the coffee is blended up, I carefully open the mixing cup and pour the hot contents back into my 20 oz. coffee mug. Then, I enjoy this heavenly smelling brew.

YES, I enjoy my coffee time and there are many days I need to take my coffee on the go with me as I travel to the gym to do fasted Cardio. When I get the chance, I like to sit on my porch and have my coffee. It’s a great way to start my day and I look forward to good coffee conversations with my wife, Sarah.

My Thot: find different ways to enjoy your coffee. Whether it’s for fat-burning, pre-workout, a caffeine fix, clarity of mind, or just that zing of go-go juice to wake you up. Either way, enjoy your bean juice. Leave a comment below and don’t forget to subscribe to receive blog updates in your inbox. 

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe.

Recipe and Ingredients
Coffee (hot or cold)
Protein powder (any flavor)
*Blender optional
