Often, I have gone through times of personal disconnect during my journey to life and health. WHAT? Hold on!! Keep reading now that I got your attention. I usually stay focused on eating right, working out hard, serving God, and being social. Yet, there are times I miss the opportunities to encourage others or make quality connections. Please understand, I love people and I enjoy spending time one on one with them and having good conversations over coffee, but sometimes I too struggle staying engaged and plugged in to other people’s lives. It’s not wrong and it’s not always a bad thing as long as this disconnect is for the purpose of refueling, refocusing, regaining insight, and renewing strength in God. Even Jesus took time away from the crowd, away from people, in order to spend time with the Father and refuel.

“In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, 
and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there.” 
Mark 1:35

“...But Jesus Himself would often slip
away to the wilderness and pray.”
Luke 5:16

As the holiday season is quickly approaching we may tend to disconnect or get overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle. We may also disconnect when it comes to our life and health journey due to the daunting tasks of working out and eating according to our nutrition plans while others are gorging themselves with holiday delicacies. On occasion, I have observed many friends and family members who seem to disconnect during the holidays or stressful times. They may not verbally say things, but you can tell by their social media posts or lack of. I observe and read multiple posts of others who are on different faith and fitness journeys. If they or myself are silent, it usually means we’ve got "stuff, things, issues, circumstances" and “life happenings" going on.

My Thot: things change from day to day. I want to encourage all of us to keep moving forward. If you're struggling, don’t disconnect, you're not alone. We all struggle at times. Trust in the process. You will see results. Remember, trust is defined as an assurance, dependence, and a reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. Trust in your nutrition and exercise plans. Trust that God is making a way where there seems to be no way. You/Me/We are all in this life together. Don’t forget to reach out. Don’t suffer in silence. Drop me a comment below if you have a prayer request and as always SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
