THOUGHTS FROM THE POOL: The Greatest Antidepressant

I've found the gym and swimming to be the greatest antidepressant. No drug(s) can do what exercise does for your overall health, but you really want to know the scoop?

I'll let you in on a secret. Are you listening? Are you reading this?

I find that as I swim I can turn off life issues and problems. I am able to relax, think, and pray. I often find this to be like when I play drums during worship at church. I get so caught up in groove and His presence that nothing around me phases me. I get lost in God’s presence where we have wonderful times of fellowship. Sharing or processing of thoughts take place. One moment in His presence will do more and accomplish more than days, weeks, months, even years trying to figure things out on my own will do.

My Thot: Learn to treasure these times. I write this to encourage you. If you're feeling weary, concerned with life issues, circumstances, and problems; stop what you're doing. Take a few moments to quiet yourself and just pray, even if it's a silent prayer, and then be quiet. Just LISTEN!! Don't forget to comment below and subscribe.
Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the Kings Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
