Delays are inevitable, they happen and I’ve gone through so many delays. That it has been extremely frustrating at times. But delays aren’t meant to hurt you, delay’s are made for comebacks. In Gods timing you will move forward, you might not like the process He takes you through, but as soon as you except the delays as a good thing not a harmful thing you will become Free in your mind and be able to focus on your goal(s) and see results.

Setback are made for Comebacks!! When you see the comeback for what it truly is then you know that God is setting it up for something amazing.

My Thot: Today be encouraged if you are facing setbacks. They are there to get you ready for your comeback. I promise you, you will move forward in your destiny if you don’t give up.

Until next time grab a FREE REFILL of the Kings Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
