I am craving pancakes! Yes, you read that right. It's been 6 years since I started my life and health journey and I still, at times, battle with wild food cravings. Sometimes, I just want to blow my allotted nutrition for the day. Case in point: for the last 3 hours I've been smelling, thinking, craving, and remembering the wonderful buttery richness of my Nana's pancakes. Thick, 9" golden brown, fluffy pancakes displayed her love on a plate, for me. I remember I could easily put away about 3-5 of those bad boys, slathered in butter and maple syrup. Just thinking about them makes my mouth water. Yummy! I share this because I know the struggle of cravings. I also know that the voice of the cravings can speak…“EAT ME!” I mean, they scream and SHOUT so loud that you think you're hungry when you're not. 

Knowing that this craving was not going to go away, I found myself wanting to make pancakes but I did not want all the calories from the carbs. I wanted something higher in protein and super low in carbs. Yet, I wanted it to be tasty and satisfying. I have heard of people making protein pancakes. The problem is that they use too many ingredients I don’t keep in my pantry. I chose to make my own version of protein pancakes that are not only good for me, but look good and taste good.

To make these pancakes, I started out with 2 whole eggs, 2 scoops of protein powder, ¾-1Tbsp of baking powder, ¼ to ½ cup of water. Then, I blended it in my Nutribullet, sprayed my small frying pan with non-stick cooking spray, and poured ⅓ of the pancake mix into the pan once it was heated. I looked for bubbles to form. Once they were formed and the bottom was set, I flipped over the pancake. Finally, I removed the pancake from the pan, buttered it, and poured lite pancake syrup on top. I repeated the process until the batter was used up. Then, sitting before me was the most delicious, golden-brown stack of flavorful protein packed pancakes.

My Thot: is when the cravings start shouting, try doing these two things. 1. Try to find something to take your mind off them. Pray, sing, journal, go for a ride in the car, read a magazine, search the internet, look at social media, draw, do a craft, call a friend, etc. 2. Think of a way you can still enjoy your favorite food or the thing you're craving. Can you find a substitute? Can you make the food item better by using alternative ingredients? It’s a battle that can be won. You just have to be willing to TRY.

Comment below and let me know what has worked for you in dealing with your cravings. And as always, if you want want to receive blog updates in your inbox, don't forget to subscribe.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe.

Recipe Ingredients and Instructions:
2 Whole eggs
2 Scoops of protein powder (Any Flavor)

¾-1 Tbsp Baking powder
¼-½ Cup water
*Oats (optional: if you need more carbs.)

Place all ingredients in bowl or mixer.
Mix or combine thoroughly.
Pour ⅓ of the mixture into a heated frying pan.
Wait until bubbles form or bottom is golden brown.
Flip and continue to cook until golden brown on the other side.
Remove from pan and repeat the process until mixture is used.
Top however you like.

