I had an encounter with someone who asked me a question about the way I swim. I thought I responded to the question just fine, but instead I noticed the person got very upset and angry with the way I responded to them. This bothered me because I don't like hurting others with my words. For a long time, I have always strived to make sure that I think about what I say and how I say it before it comes out of my mouth.

Like the meme says: “You're not a jar of peanut butter, you can't please everyone!” This is true, but I never want to cause an offense to someone if there was NO need for it. Granted, I am very protective of my life and health journey. I don't like to get advice from people who aren't on the journey or putting in the work to change themselves either. What works for one person may not work for another, but this conversation wasn't about my methodology.

The question was more of their personal observation and about wondering why I don't do something a certain way. It was a simple question, but I got defensive and my words pushed the anger button in them. We all have these types of days. I write this not to put anyone on blast. I write this because words have power to give life or death. I always strive to make sure my words are seasoned with grace - or salt, if you will.

My Thot: We are all human. May you/me/we strive to be, and live better each day. Today, I examined my heart and mind. I asked God to show me those areas that need to be corrected and fixed. I want nothing hindering God's Amen, His kiss, His blessing, or favor over my life. Comment below your thoughts on how you have, or would have handled this type of situation.

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the Kings Brew @ the Soul Cafe.
