This journey to life and health is a process; it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Do not expect to have everything figured out in one week or one month. Heck, it’s been 6 years for me and I realize the more I think I know, the more I don’t know. I have devoted myself to journey, and I constantly evaluate what works and doesn’t work for me. These past few years my nutrition, exercise, and knowledge has changed as I hit goals or plateaus.  It has morphed me into what I am today.

Get Rid Of Stinking Thinking

For years, I never cared about my health or body. It didn’t matter to me or even enter into my mind to read, research, and listen to what the experts in this field have to say. I couldn't have cared less. Now however, since January 2012, when anyone talks about or mentions nutrition, exercise, or meal prep my ears perk up and I get jazzed (excited). My mindset has truly changed, thanks to the transforming, redeeming power of God. “Stinking Thinking” had to go. I went through a lot of trial and error in the first few months of my weight loss journey. As my friend and fellow minister Ken Andrews says, “The body is like a chemistry set - once you figure it out, nothing can stop it from changing.” This is such a true statement and I am living proof that changing your mind will change your body. Don't get me wrong, here it is 6 years later and I am still learning, and tweaking my nutrition and exercise to better fit my needs and hit my goals. As old goals are reached, new ones are started. It is an ongoing process.  

What I Learned First

I had to learn the difference between head hunger and true physical hunger. When I held the refrigerator or cabinet doors open looking for food and thinking to myself, “Hum, what can I eat?” it was just a sign of boredom.  When I thought I was hungry, even though I just ate 30 minutes beforehand, it was a sign I was not drinking enough water. I wanted to know what I should eat before and after workouts and what is the best type of exercise I can do with physical limitations. I asked myself and my coaches so many questions, because I knew that knowledge was power and as the G.I. Joe cartoon characters use to say, “Knowing is half the battle.” I wanted to know everything I could. 

My Thot:  No one can do the work for you. SURE, trainers, coaches, myself can give you tons of information, but what works for me may not work best for you. Be a learner. It's ok to try and fail. I have had setbacks and failures, but I have more wins than losses. The difference is knowing that it's ok to fail (lose) as long as you don’t give up. Shake yourself and let the past go. Learn from your mistakes. Get rid of the stinking thinking that says you can’t when you CAN. Keep Moving Forward!! Comment below and SUBSCRIBE to receive blog updates in your inbox. 

Until next time grab a FREE Refill of the King's Brew @ the Soul Cafe
